USS Coral Sea CVB CVA CV-43

USS Coral Sea CVB CVA CV-43
Wall DD
Wall Side 1
Row 7
Plaque Number 4

Named after the famous World War Il Battle of the Coral Sea fought in May 1942, she was commissioned at Norfolk Naval Base on 1 October 1947. The last of the three Midway class carriers, she would go on to earn numerous awards, accomplish many firsts for US carriers and serve with distinction throughout her career. USS Coral Sea, more than any aircraft carrier was built to steam, to fly airplanes and to do battle. It was the spirit and morale of all her crews, all who manned the ship over her 43-year history that made USS Coral Sea more than just a ship.

• First Long Range Nuclear capability by launching P2V bombers in 1948 • Evacuated Americans from Egypt during Suez Crisis 1956 • Show of force deterrent against Soviet aggression in the 40's & 50's • First carrier to use the Pilot Landing Aid Television PLAT

1961 • Navy Ship of the Year 1965 • Ten combat and contingency deployments to Vietnam from 1960-1975 • More days on the line in Vietnam combat than any other carrier (875) • Evacuation of Saigon in 1975 • SS Mayaguez rescue in 1975 • Iran hostage rescue operation 1980 • First carrier to deploy with Phalanx Close-In Weapons System (CIWS) 1981 • Air strikes against Libya, marking the first time the F/A-18 Hornet used in combat 1986 • Assist to stricken USS Iowa 1989

Mediterranean Cruises - 11

Western Pacific Cruises - 14

World Cruise - 1

Plaque Wall Map

Plaque wall map