USNA Class of 1971

USNA Class of 1971
Branch U.S. Navy
Wall GG
Wall Side 3
Row 1
Plaque Number 1

We of the US Naval Academy Class of 1971 are Duces Virum, Leaders of Men; and now more broadly, of women as well. We led, inspired, managed, and controlled others in innumerable situations, both small and large, toward positive outcomes.

In 1967 there were 485,600 American troops in Vietnam. Anti-war demonstrations were becoming widespread. In June 1967 the Six Day War raged throughout the Middle East, and Red China exploded its first hydrogen bomb. Then, on 28 June 1967, 1384 young men took their oath of office as Midshipman, United States Navy. For the next four years and for decades to come we would be caught up in challenges, events, discoveries, and, most of all, change.

On 09 June 1971, 875 Midshipmen became Navy Ensigns or Marine Corps Second Lieutenants. We stood the watch, led the troops, flew the sorties, cruised the depths, and led the support activities that made all the rest possible. Collectively we walked the post for America. When diplomacy failed, we stepped in: the War in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia; the retaking of the SS Mayaguez; Grenada; the aborted rescue of the Iranian Embassy hostages; Lebanon; and Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Persian Gulf. In 1986 we and the USAF attacked the terrorism support structure in Libya, striking simultaneously from England and from a carrier in the Mediterranean in a raid that only America’s armed forces could conduct.

With our 50th Reunion in our wake, we can look back on numerous successes. We had 13 Flag Officers, (11 USN, 2 USMC), four astronauts, and numerous CEOs and other leaders of industry, government, education, the ministry, and publishing. More than that, though, every member of ’71 is recognized within his own personal and professional circles, esteemed for his character and his contribution. 

As the new watch relieves the old, we will ultimately pass our torch as well. Until then, though, we will continue to be Duces Virum and to be thankful for having been called to serve our great nation.  "Duces Virum"

Plaque Wall Map

Plaque wall map