U.S. Naval Advisory Republic of Vietnam Fleet Command

U.S. Naval Advisory Republic of Vietnam Fleet Command
Era Vietnam War
Branch U.S. Navy
Wall JJ
Wall Side 3
Row 1
Plaque Number 6

These United States Naval Officers were assigned to be advisors to the captains of Republic of Vietnam Navy combat ships that patrolled the major rivers and coast of South Vietnam to interdict smuggling, provide shore fire support for ground forces, humanitarian relief and support services for ground-based naval units. All saw combat and were serving at the time of the Tet Offensive of 1968. Many were recipients of the Bronze Star, Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry and numerous other decorations.

LEFT TOP ROW: LTJG Noel Allen, LTJG Whitney Goit, LTJG Leonard "Len" Vincenti, LTJG Jack Clarey, LTJG Richard "Dick" Robbins, LTJG Robert Bruce MacDougall

LEFT BOTTOM ROW: LTJG Wayne Oldendorph, LTJ Kenneth Graves, LTJG Bernie Buettner, LTJG Alan "Al" Parker, LTJG Philip "Phil" Metres, LTGJG David "Dave" Holick

Plaque Wall Map

Plaque wall map