Baker Company 1st Motor Transport Battalion 1st Marine Division

Era | Korean War |
Branch | U.S. Marine Corps |
Rank | Unknown |
Wall | DD |
Wall Side | 1 |
Row | 5 |
Plaque Number | 8 |
To honor and recognize the men of Baker Company, 1st Motor Transport Battalion, 1st Marine Division, who in July/August 1950 sailed to Pusan, So. Korea, to defend a land they did not know and a people they never met.
Some, as members of the 1st Provisional Brigade, fought to save villages within the Pusan Perimeter, then rejoined the 1st Marine Division in the assault landing at Inchon September 15th.
We continued into Seoul, the landing at Wonson, North Korea, the epic battle at the Chosin Reservoir, the evacuation at Hungnam, the Spring Offensive from Pohang north along the Central Front to the areas, in November 1951, known as the DMZ.
We salute you for a job well done and will never forget the brotherhood we formed. God Bless and Semper Fidelis.
John E. Baker, Second Lieutenant
Ralph A. Davis, Master Sergeant
Otis S. Haynes, Jr., Sergeant
Warren A. Kelly, Corporal
Reed Plumb, Private First Class
John T. Compton, Private First Class
George A. Pence, Private First Class
Plaque Wall Map