Joseph Alcantara
![Joseph Alcantara](/app//uploads/2304/joseph-alcantara.webp)
Era | Korean War |
Branch | U.S. Marine Corps |
Rank | Staff Sergeant |
Military Decorations | Purple Heart |
Wall | E |
Wall Side | 1 |
Row | 3 |
Plaque Number | 54 |
DECORATIONS: Purple Heart, Navy Commendation, Navy Presidential Unit Citation, Marine Corps Good Conduct, National Defense, Korean Service, Korean Presidential Unit Citation, United Nations Service
For your courage and sacrifice to God and country and to his Marine Corps brethren who fought and died in battle. From your loving brother.
1st Marine Division
Plaque Wall Map
![Plaque wall map](/app/uploads/plaque-locator-map-1721390642.webp)