Ruben Espinoza Navarro

Era | Vietnam War |
Branch | U.S. Army |
Rank | Specialist |
Military Decorations | Bronze Star |
Wall | DD |
Wall Side | 1 |
Row | 2 |
Plaque Number | 34 |
Specialist Navarro was born in Harlingen, Texas on January 4th, 1949. In the mid-forties after having migrated to Texas from Mexico, his father moved his family to California to provide a better education and life for his children. Upon arriving in California, his father, like so many other migrant workers, found work harvesting the fields of orchards that once dominated the Santa Clara Valley landscape.
During his summer breaks from junior high school, Specialist Navarro joined his eldest sibilings working in the orchards to help support the family. On January 25th of 1969, he married his first wife, Linda. Eight months later, he was inducted into the United States Army, and shortly afterward, he arrived at Fort Lewis, Washington where he completed both his basic and A.I.T. training.
On March 7th, 1970, after a sixteen-hour flight, he landed in Cam Rhan Bay in South Vietnam to begin what was to become a new and never-ending chapter in his life. After being processed in Cam Rhan Bay, he and other new arrivals were flown to Ton So Nhut airport, transported to brigade main base, and finally to their unit located at Firebase Nancy where they began their tour in Nam.
Specialist Navarro was assigned to the 199th Light Infantry Brigade, commanded by General William R. Bond. Upon arrival at the 199th, he was assigned to serve in the 4th Battalion 12th Infantry Division. He returned to the United States after the 199th was deactivated. Because he did not have enough time in-country, he was next transferred to the 4th Infantry Division at KHE. One month later, the 4th Infantry was also deactivated and returned back to the United States. As he still did not have enough time in-country, he was ultimately transferred to the 1st Cavalry Division where he completed his tour.
Specialist Navarro had survived his tour, or so he thought. However, another war was soon to begin, the war within himself. However, today, he is happy to share that he survived that internal war as well, thanks to the support of his family and many others.
Specialist Navarro is the proud husband of Nancy, proud father of Ty, Andy, Stephanie, proud father-in-law to Margo and Yvonne, and proud Papa Ruben to many grandchildren that bring immense joy and happiness into his life.
Plaque Wall Map