John Robert Stros

John Robert Stros
Era Korean War
Branch U.S. Navy
Rank Petty Officer Third Class
Wall DD
Wall Side 1
Row 2
Plaque Number 12

John was living on a farm with his family in Yale, Michigan. On February 2nd, 1952 John took his oath to serve his country in the U.S. Navy. He did his basic training at Great Lakes Naval base. His home port was Norfolk, Virgina. He served aboard the U.S.S Furse. In four years John saw 22 countries on 4 cruises that had him at sea for 6 months at a time. John was Honorably discharged in 1956 after serving his country for 4 years. John, today is your day to be recognized by those who love you.

John served as a Stryker Electrician
on the USS Furse which deployed
with the 6th fleet to evacuate
Americans during the Suez Crisis.
He also participated in NATO
operations in the Atlantic
off the European coast.

Plaque Wall Map

Plaque wall map