James David Burke

James David Burke
Era Desert Shield / Desert Storm
Branch U.S. Marine Corps
Rank Lieutenant Colonel
Military Decorations Purple Heart
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Plaque Number 21

After completion of the Platoon Leader Course and  Basic School at Quantico, VA, 2/LT Burke was designated as an Infantry Officer  and deployed to the Republic of Vietnam in 1968 at the height of that war.  2/LT Burke led 1st Platoon, Company “C”, 1st Battalion, Fifth Marines during Operation TAYLOR COMMON and in counterinsurgency operations against Communist forces west of An Hoa. 1/5 and its operating area were the settings for the classic novel “Fields of Fire”.  Wounded in action and evacuated  to 1st Medical Battalion, DaNang,  2/LT Burke spent five months  recovering and preparing for return to active duty. During his 24-year career his combat experience included a second Vietnam  tour as CO MARDET, USS OKLAHOMA CITY, (CLG-5), Flagship of the 7th Fleet firing naval gunfire including two NGF raids into Haiphong Harbor, Hanoi.  As CO 1st Landing Support Battalion, he  participated In the first Gulf war (Operations DESERT SHIELD and DESERT STORM) as CO, 1ST Landing Support Battalion, 1st FSSG. He also participated in operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom.


LTCOL Burke commanded Company “E”, 2nd Battalion, 1st Marines and Company “C”, 1st RECON Battalion. His career highlights also include two tours at Parris Island, SC, ceremonial duty and Project Officer, Marine Corps Marathon while at Marine Barracks, Washington, DC. He made  Landing Force Sixth Fleet MED cruises with BLTs 2/8 and 2/6, and served as XO, BLT 3/6. He also served as Operations Officer for CENTCOM’s largest exercise, GALLANT EAGLE ’84 and retired as Base Inspector, Camp Pendleton. LTCOL Burke is a  graduate of the Army Basic Airborne School, USMC Amphibious Warfare School, and the Naval War College. LTCOL Burke earned a Master of Science in Management from Salve Regina University.

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