Robert "Bob" Griscom

Robert "Bob" Griscom
Era Korean War
Branch U.S. Army
Rank Corporal
Wall EE
Wall Side 1
Row 2
Plaque Number 15

Corporal Griscom served as a Tank Commander in Germany during the occupation. 

Bob Griscom served in the Korean War as Staff Sergeant, Armor, Tank Commander, from 1950-1953. He was stationed with the United States Army of Occupation, West Germany, to keep the German-Russian border secure by - as he called it - ”playing war games with the Russians.” He initially wanted to enlist in the Air Force to become a pilot, but the recruiting officer insisted he use his civilian training as an airplane mechanic. After a heated argument, true to his nature, Bob immediately walked across the hall and enlisted in the Army instead. To describe his time in the Army, Bob would explain that shortly before discharge, he was demoted to Corporal for returning 30 minutes late from a weekend pass in the town just up the road. He often downplayed his military service because he did not see combat like so many of his brothers-in-arms. Bob served his country honorably and well, and upon discharge, finally got that pilot’s license and pursued a life-long career in aviation. He was a good man, and we miss him.

With love and admiration, your family.


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