Clyde E. Lassen, USN

Clyde E. Lassen, USN
Era Vietnam War
Branch U.S. Navy
Rank Commander
Military Decorations Medal of Honor
Wall CC
Wall Side 1
Row 2
Plaque Number 17

LT. Clyde Lassen was awarded the Medal of Honor for conspicuous gallantry at the risk of his life and above the call of duty as a LTJG pilot and aircraft commander of a UH-2A Seasprite search and rescue helicopter during operations against enemy forces in North Vietnam.  On 19 June 1968 Lassen skillfully piloted his aircraft and directed his crew over unknown and hostale terrain while taking enemy fire to rescue an F-4J Phantom fighter crew who had been shot down.  Lassen directed his aircraft on numerous approaches during intense enemy fire in total darkness to rescue LCDR John Holtzclaw and LCDR John Burns who were being persued by enemy forces  on a jungle hillside.  During one approach, Lassen collided with a tree and finally had to turn on his landing lights and set down in a field to complete the rescue.  Escaping the scene, Lassen's crew, LTJG LeRoy Cook, AE2 Bruce Dallas and ADJ3 Don West courageously provided aircraft clearance, systems backup and hands-on personnel recovery while simultaneously furning covering fire.  Lassen flew while dangerously low on fuel and under continued enemy fire to return his aircraft, crew, and rescued aviators safely to an offshore destroyer.

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