Alan L. Kolackovsky

Alan L. Kolackovsky
Era Global War on Terrorism
Branch U.S. Navy
Rank Commander
Military Decorations Awards for Valor or Meritorious Service
Wall EE
Wall Side 1
Row 1
Plaque Number 2

Alan proudly served over 29 years, supporting multiple missions all over the world. A few missions include Libya Freedom, Desert Shield/Storm, "Raiders of the Lost ARG", and COMNAVTELCOM. As the only Navy representative picked to attend US Air Force Officer School, he further pursued his naval career by establishing the current PACFLT Web Portal and achieving his MBA at National University. A hard-working Commander and loving father and husband. Alan's personal awards include three Meritorious Service Medals, four Navy Achievement Medals and various other unit commendation and service medals.

Plaque Wall Map

Plaque wall map