

The mission of the Mt. Soledad National Veterans Memorial Education Program is to share the stories of U.S. Veterans with youth. 


To bring grade-school students to the Mt. Soledad National Veterans Memorial site.

To make the stories of Veterans who are honored on our walls increasingly accessible.

To provide enriching educational experiences for students in Grades K-12.

To share the stories of Veterans in and outside of the classroom.

MSNVM Education Program
Sharing the stories of U.S. veterans with youth.

Education Program Offerings

Our education program offers two types of programs, onsite and classroom based programs.

On Site:

Guided Tours: Our knowledgeable docents lead groups of students around the Memorial, introducing visitors to the individuals who are honored on our plaques and providing insight into pertinent U.S. history. These scheduled visits can be generalized or based on specific themes.

Field Trips: These include a docent-led tour of the Memorial and STEAM workshop. If needed, MSVNM can arrange for transportation. 

Boy Scout Troops and Girl Scout Troops can earn merit badges or complete service projects at the Memorial. 

In Class:

Writing Contest: Integrate our annual Mt. Soledad National Veterans Memorial writing contest into your spring semester curriculum. “What does service mean to you?” Entries will be accepted in three age groups: Grades 5-6; Grades 7-8; Grades 9-12. Finalists will be recognized by local leaders during a special ceremony.  

Veteran Study: Our educator will present on utilizing your school’s library resources and the importance of supporting work with primary and secondary sources. Students will have the opportunity to select a Veteran to concentrate their project on. Grades 5-12. 

Service Hours:  Earn service hours by polishing our plaques as part of our Junior Volunteer program.

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Educational Programs